Funny Video; Mark Angel Comedy- Inlaw inlaw (episode 83)

Emmanuella is at it again, and it is still Denilson Igwe at the receiving end of her wits and tricks. Denilson visits his girlfriend only to find Emmanuella around nd his encounter with her will change his life forever. Emmnuella offered to help him but it turned out to be something that will shock you and everyone else.

This is one comedy that promises to make you laugh till your stomach hurts and you will feel sorry for Denilson Igwe. Like you know already, this funny video will thrill you and you will not be able to keep your joy and laughter to yourself alone.

Watch this video below, like and share with family, friends, loved ones, neighbours and all you see around, but be sure to watch this video in a place where your loud laughter will be tolerated because this video will make you laugh out loud.
